Learn More Ways To Control Panic Attacks

Unfortunately, panic attacks are a reality for many. The reasons can vary. No doubt, it would be a great comfort to reduce, if not, avoid any attack! Below are some suggestions others have found helpful in coping with this condition, please read on: When you’re experiencing an attack you can use visualization techniques to help end it. Start breathing deeply and then close your eyes, next focus on each area of your body that is giving you trouble. Imagine yourself being calm, then relaxed, and finally going back to normal, and soon enough you’ll find it has. Learn More Ways To Control Panic Attacks

Control Your Panic Attacks With These Tips:

  • When you have a panic attack you should try to do an activity that a person gripped by fear normally wouldn’t do, especially if it can make you feel like you’re the boss of your situation. When you complete it successfully, have a little celebration for yourself and notice how amazing YOU are!
  • Visualize yourself lying in a field of bubbles when you have your next panic attack. As they begin to burst you are able to move lower and lower into the pile of bubbles. The pile is never-ending so you know you are fully supported, relaxed, and surrounded by joy and love.
  • One way to help relax your mind and your body is to listen to your favorite music very loudly and sing along. This will help you relax and occupies your mind. Additionally, singing a melody that you are particularly fond of loudly will make you a bit happier in time.
  • Think about your nerves as you go through your panic attack. Visualize a nerve in each part of your body and the tiny little impulses it sends out. Imagine them becoming calm, slow, and more relaxed. Work through each part of your body one by one until you feel better.
  • While relaxation techniques can help anyone cope with stress and anxiety, they are especially helpful if you suffer from panic attacks. These techniques include Pilates, walking, and other moderate exercises. They help you to breath, relax your muscles and remain focused. Find the ones that work best for you, and combine them to design an effective strategy for coping with your next panic attack.


  • When a panic attack is happening to you, focus on what real things you can tell are happening to you. You have to tell yourself that nothing bad is going to happen; that your nervous system is just a little bit over-stimulated for now. This will put you in the right frame of mind and reduce the duration of the attack. Panic attacks are horrifying, and this advice is not meant to minimize that. Simply remember that by re-enforcing positive thinking, you can at least alleviate some of the bad feelings.
  • Find something that you can do that calms you down. Knitting, reading a book, even baking can be great hobbies you can do that will help you relax yourself when you feel a panic attack coming. These should be things you can do when you feel the panic attack starting to come about or when you’ve already started having a panic attack.
  • Get outside, enjoy the clean air, and beat your panic attack! Raking leaves or gardening are amazing ways to beat the fears and worries racing through your head and use your pent up energy for something useful. Look at the job you’ve completed when you’ve finished and be proud of your hard work!
  • When you have a panic attack it can be hard to stay positive, but it’s important to literally expect the best to happen. Expect that it will end quickly, that you’ll come out unharmed (you always do!), and that you’ll be able to work on your triggers so it doesn’t happen again. This small shift in thinking can be enough to get you through a little more easily.

Closing Notes:

A useful tool to help ward off panic attacks is to ask yourself throughout the day, “What if?” For every possible situation you face, you can usually counter this with a, “So what?” If you can apply these two outlooks to a situation, you will preemptively counter the negative feelings that may arise. Okay! Now, you have some suggestions that others have found helpful! Use the information that would apply to you! Don’t lose heart! Unfortunately, others have panic attacks too, but many have learning how to reduce, it not, avoid an attack. Perhaps, this will be true of you too!

Read These Tips And Stop Suffering From Panic Attacks
