Huawei Christmas New year’s offer for consumer 2022

Welcome back to another web content, the Christmas season is around the corner and Huawei is enthusiastic about praising it in style, grandeur, and spirit, by acquiring energizing proposals on items that are adored by everybody. We have gotten an overpowering reaction for this large number of items this year. Purchasers are at the core of all that we do at Huawei and trust this new scope of offers adds to the bubbly cheer. I’m going to be showing you guys the special offer for christmas I got when I bought the Huawei band 6. I’m not really sure if the gift is the same in every country but you just have to go to the Huawei website and find out what special offer for christmas you can get if you buy the Huawei Band 6.  The band is also a very nice material quality feels good as the original band. This is the original band of the Huawei band I went with the forest green and they gave me a black stripe as a special offer for christmas gift.

Strap Changing

so let’s change it read it carefully how to change it I’m going, to be honest with y’all changing the strap of the Huawei Band 6 is very difficult like first of all you got to take out the little pin which is the most difficult part of it. Once you take it out or you succeeded in taking it out then you just slide this out even to slide it out its very difficult so this is the way and this is all you get after you take out the strap. You have to put back this little pin because without a pin it looks ugly. That’s the most difficult part taking it out is really hard but I guess it’s not something I’ll be changing often because it’s very difficult to change it.

Christmas Gift

We got a little special offer for Christmas pamphlet Huawei gift put it on the side and the first thing an umbrella we have a Huawei umbrella and this is what it looks like one interesting thing about this umbrella is the fact that the bottom part has abs. It has a nice premium look. It does not have any branding. There’s no branding on it there’s no sign that lets you know it is a Huawei umbrella there’s no sign just very plain but it is good it looks nice the umbrella has a very nice build guide really solid it’s not that cheap stuff out there.

The next thing that comes in the box is water butter it comes with a little filter of stainless steel and the last thing is a ring holder so these are the things I got for buying the Huawei band 6 and a big shout out to Huawei I really appreciate companies like this for looking out for their consumers it feels good it’s amazing these are free stuff but it feels good to have them I mean for buying a little smart band like this and to receive all this it feels good.
