Tips That Will Make You A Better Golfer!

If you are looking to improve your golf game, there are surprisingly simple things that you can quickly implement so as to enhance your enjoyment of the game. The following are some practical pointers to keep in mind when making an effort to take your game up a notch.  This is important not only because of the distraction you may cause for other players and the lack of sportsmanship you will display but also because you run the risk of damaging the grip, head or shaft of your clubs. Here we share Tips That Will Make You A Better Golfer!.

Best to know:

  • When golfing with a wind, a common mistake is to simply hit the ball harder, which creates more spin and propels the ball upwards into more wind. Instead, hit it lower– adjust your stance so the ball is back further than normal, and use a longer club. This gives you a good, solid, low hit under the wind.
  • You should prepared mentally and physically before playing. Forget about your stress and focus on your game.
  • To practice the best grip on your club, use a clapping hand test. Take your golf stance and then place your hands in front of you with palms together as though clapping. This should be the positioning of your hands when holding your club. As you grip your club, look at your hands and make sure your palms are parallel as they were without the club.
  • Three foot putts in golf can be very intimidating if you let them affect your mind. One great tip for making it easier to putt accurately, is to imagine a bullseye on the back of the cup. This will encourage you to put in enough power to reach the cup without overshooting.
  • Make sure you are not swaying during your golf shot, as this will produce poor shots. Your body must not move left or right or up and down, including your head. While your head will move slightly, it should not move significantly. Practicing staying still as you swing will improve your shot.

How to play:

  • Hit the ball squarely with the club’s face. The ball will go on a straight trajectory. If the club isn’t squared with the ball, the ball won’t travel in the direction you intended. Experiment with grip and how you hold your club until you can reliably hit the ball at the proper 90-degree angle.
  • When chipping the golf ball out of a sand trap, it is important to know that you actually have to hit the sand behind the ball. Chip the sand as much as two inches behind the ball. This will help launch the ball upward in the air and out of the sand trap.
  • When you are golfing, it is important to remember that you should get your power from your body rather than your arms. It takes practice to learn to power your club with your body rather than your hands and arms. It will help if you try to imagine you are dragging the ball into the air.
  • When preparing to buy a golf bag, think about the features you really want. You may want a slot to hold a water bottle or a little, hidden, insulated cooler. You may need an umbrella holder so that you can carry protection against sun and rain. Carefully consider all the extras you want because they will influence the price of your new golf bag.
  • Stand tall to avoid putting divots behind the ball. In the ideal swing, the divot left by your club will be in front of your ball. If you are finding yourself hitting the grass before the ball often, take a look at your stance. Stand up straighter, and center your weight on the arches of your feet, not the toes. As you reach your downswing, shift your weight from the back foot to the front. Make sure you have a strong follow-through.


Golfing with friends can be fun, and it’s especially nice when you when win from time to time. If you make a note of these pointers and apply them with attention to detail, you may surprise yourself – and your friends – with the results!

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